I was talking to a friend who is also a FasterEFT practitioner this morning. We trade sessions with each other. She helps me and I help her, ultimately we help each other grow together. In this conversation were talking about perceptions, specifically how challenging it is to see our own pros and how we focus on our own cons. In the past I would tend to see the best in others, and feel so much less than others when I compared myself to them. Doing that is not exactly the highway HOV lane towards confidence, as you can imagine. It actually tends to lead to a mental flat tire and being stuck on the side of the road feeling hopeless. Thankfully I have FasterEFT now. With FasterEFT I have a way to change a flat and get back on the highway.
Back to my story … Last week my friend and I were working on some of her negative perceptions, as we cleared the things that made her feel "stupid" there was this incredible flip to accessing memories of her Mom telling her how smart she is. Those memories were completely inaccessible due to this incessant focus on the negative memories. Her inner chatter was relentless, that voice telling her she is stupid, she can't learn things on her own, she needs help. Those words had far more emotional charge to them. Their strength kept on attracting more and more evidence to support them.
We all have that. This mind chatter that is the background "music" of our day. Your inner voice, directed by your subconscious mind, is directing your reticular activating system to filter out anything and everything that is not in alignment with that voice. The more you say "I'm stupid" the more you are going to find evidence supporting that very feeling. It is what you are looking for after all, subconsciously.
I had a thought that our goal when we work on ourselves is to find all the reasons why the sun does not and cannot rise inside of us and allow ourselves to see and feel all the reasons why it indeed does and can rise and live within us. We do this by changing the memories that support the inner chatter. You can't believe everything you think, and you can change the memories that defeat you and cause you pain. It isn't easy but it is simple and can be done relatively fast.
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