Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts Become Things

I know that thoughts become things. I know it and I believe it.

That does not necessarily mean I am adept at using the skill consistently in my favor ... yet.

I am practicing becoming more present to the workings of my mind. To come from awareness of mind to create more of what I want in my life.

Early August I attended an amazing "From Stressed to Success" Workshop with two skilled and talented colleagues that I respect and appreciate. I left with a greater and deeper understanding of how I can gain greater control of my mind, and how I can help others do the same.

It is known that ...

Our thoughts affect our feelings.
Our feelings affect our behaviors.
Our behaviors affect our actions.
Our actions affect our results.

I pay close attention to my own thoughts, behaviors, actions, and results.

The day after the workshop I went to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. I love to go to the zoo. This was my first visit to this particular zoo.

When I meditate in the morning I sit and I breath in. When I exhale I simply think or visualize the word love, or a symbol for love, or a mantra "I am love." This is how I start my day. Then I have coffee which is probably one of my favorite morning activities. I digress ...

While walking around at the zoo I did a lot of walking meditation, standing meditation, doing that exact same thing. At each exhibit I would look at the incredible creatures in there and breath, sending love. I felt very present and very happy. It changed the experience to something different and deeper, and it felt like I was making genuine contact with the world around me.

When I came to the tiger exhibit I wanted to try something different.

I saw one tiger, sitting in a channel of running water, like a man made creek. This little man made creek turned into a little 4 or 5 foot waterfall that ended in a big pool of water. There were two places to look at the tiger, one large window was in front of where the tiger was resting in the water. It was crowded with people. Then there was a long stretch in front of the pool of water and not a single person was there.

I stood in the middle of that empty section, looked at the tiger and sent it love. I visualized it coming over and getting in the water in front of me. It was an experiment in visualization. Standing alone, and sending that feeling of love and visualizing it getting in the water in front of me. Why not? I was going to stand there and watch anyway, it would be an interesting experiement a la Pam Grout.

That tiger looked at me and got up and moved about 4 feet and plopped back down in the water. I thought harder (is that really possible?) and breathed love. And then it happened. Wouldn't you know that tiger got up and walked to the end of the creek and jumped in the pool right in front of me and started playing with a big piece of a tree trunk in the water.

I was definitely in a state of awe and disbelief at this point. And feeling the most profound gratitude imaginable. People began crowding around me. Then to my surprise another tiger jumped in, and another. Before I knew it there were three tigers playing in the pool right in front of me.

I could shrug it off and say it was just a coincidence, that I really don't have the power to think things into action. I'm not going to do that though. I saw it, it happened (times three!) and it was magical.

Now with this new found awareness it seems even more important to notice and release thoughts that don't serve me. To intentionally choose those thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that will create more of what I want in the world. It's a full time job and one that I am ready for.


  1. Beautiful, Nicola! A grateful heart really is a magnet for miracles. Like you said, "I could shrug it off and say it was just a coincidence." but you didn't. You noticed. You were aware.
    I'm ready too! Full time!
    Thank you! And tigers just happen to be my favorite animal.

    1. Thank you Kim! Both for reading and for responding. Tigers are one of my favorite animals :) too!
